It can be hard to buy gifts for someone, especially if they seem to have everything. You might be running out of ideas if you’ve given the same person many gifts before. How many times can you buy someone something impersonal, something they might appreciate only for a couple of days, before forgetting about it?
Presents can be expensive, especially if you’re buying for someone you’re close to. You don’t want to spend a lot of money on something that your loved ones or friends might not want, or that makes them feel undervalued. Research done by Create Gift Love, shows that 88% of people in the UK “struggle to come up with gift ideas at least sometimes, with partners being most commonly named the hardest to buy for.”
According to a survey by Nerdwallet, Brits are budgeting to spend an average of £469 on Christmas presents in 2025, £238 on birthdays and £124 on anniversaries. You might not want or need yet another pair of socks, a scarf you’ll never wear or a predictable box of chocolates.
Finding that perfect gift that someone will love and not loathe, could also take a lot of time. The World Economic Forum has found that Americans spend around 15 hours searching for the perfect gift for someone.
But what if you could give a really thoughtful and memorable gift that doesn’t break the bank and won’t take up valuable time?
Enter the personalised gift. The Create Gift Love survey shows 70.5% of Brits believe personalised gifts are more thoughtful. Furthermore, findings by Psychology and Marketing show that customised gifts “are appreciated irrespective of the time and effort expended by the giver in creating the product.” The same research shows that those who received bespoke gifts experience something called “vicarious pride”, meaning the receiver feels as good about the gift as the giver.
Gift receivers form an emotional bond with personalised gifts. There is an appreciation of the creativity and thoughtfulness that goes into giving a customised present. This means your recipients are less likely to stuff your presents in the back of a cupboard, gathering dust.
One such gift, is a personalised audiobook. Imagine your grandmother being able to listen to you reading to her, while you’re not able to be there. Picture a child hearing their father narrating a favourite story any time they want to hear it or your best friend listening to your calming voice when they’re going through a tough time.
You don’t even have to record yourself reading an entire text. Instead, you provide a short voice sample and AI will do the rest for you, creating a book that will cement a relationship between you and those closest to you.
Personalised audiobooks have the power to make gift giving for those closest to you easier. It’s unique, creative and meaningful.