Your Voice, Our Stories, Creating Connection

For Authors

Are you an author looking to transform your stories into a new, captivating experience? Dudley Editions invites you to step into the world of personalised audiobooks.

We’re excited to collaborate with authors who are passionate about bringing their works to life as personalised audiobooks. If you’ve written a children’s book, short story, or novella that you’ve always dreamed of sharing in a personal and immersive way, we’d love to hear from you. 

Whether you have a charming short piece or a compelling narrative, we can work with you to transform your text into something magical. Currently, we’re focusing on works ranging from 1,000 words to 10,000 words — a perfect range for personalised, easily consumable audiobooks. As our technology evolves, so will the possibilities.

Submission Guidelines
If this sounds like something for you, we currently have an open submission policy. 

  1. Word Count: We currently accept submissions between 1,000 and 10,000 words. This includes children’s books, short stories, and novellas.

  2. Format: Please submit your manuscript in a Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF format. Ensure that the text is clean, edited, and formatted for readability.

  3. Synopsis: Include a brief synopsis (no more than 300 words) that captures the essence of your story and what makes it suitable for a personalised audiobook experience.

  4. Author Bio: Provide a short author bio (up to 150 words), including any previous publications or relevant experience. We love getting to know the storytellers behind the words!

  5. Contact Information: Include your full name, email address, and any other relevant contact information.

  6. Rights Information: Please confirm that you hold the rights to the submitted work and that it is not under contract with any other publishers. If you have a work that is currently published, you need to work with your agent or publisher to ensure you have retained the rights for personalised audio.

  7. Submission Email: Send your submission to hellodudley@dudleyeditions.com, with the subject line: “Personalised Audiobook Submission – [Your Name] – [Title of Work]”.


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